Hello, in my project I cached image from blob storage Url, then I updated the photo inside the blob storage link but I can't see the change in the image. Is it way to clear cache and caching again?
Changing Cached Image Content
How to bind resources in dictionary to ListView's ViewCells
I tried to bind styles to controls inside my ViewCell
from the page's ResourceDictionary
Anyone knows how to accomplish that? I would like my cells to have a specific style, possibly depending on the data but that's for later...
Thanks for your help!
澳洲新英格兰大学毕业,证成绩单New England文,凭+Q/薇551,190476买澳洲真实学历认,证回国证明.
澳洲新英格兰大学毕业,证成绩单New England文,凭+Q/薇551,190476买澳洲真实学历认,证回国证明.
Java.Interop.Export using method with a parameter.
Hi There
I am trying to export Method from my MainActivity class into my UITest project. I can successfully do it with a method that doesnt pass any parameters however I am unable to do the same as soon as method has parameter in it. Can someone show me example how am I suppose to do it?
This is my method without parameter:
public void MethodWithoutParameter()
//do something
This is how I call it from test class:
This example works fine. I am unable to run this without getting "method not found error":
public void MethodWithParameter(string parameter)
//do something
I call it in my test class:
app.Invoke("MethodWithParameter", "RandomString");
What Am I doing wrong?
Thank you
Default value for binded property
I have a label which text property is binded to my model's property. I need to have a default property but couldn't find any way for this.
My model is like that :
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace MyProject.Models
public class Intervention
public int Id { get; set; }
public Contact Participant { get; set; }
And for Participant :
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace MyProject.Models
public class Contact
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string FullName
return FirstName + " " + LastName;
My form is like that :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentPage ...>
<viewModels:InterventionViewModel x:Name="IVM"/>
<Label x:Name="ParticipantLabel" Text="{Binding Participant.FullName}" />
The problem I'm facing is that Participant property can be null.
I've tried many things :
- Adding DefaultValue and FallbackValue to the Binding but this doesn't get compiled
- Adding a property Participant.FullNameOrNotAssigned that returns the default (localized) label if FullName is Null, which never get called when Participant is Null
- Creating a converter EmptyStringToDefaultValueConverter that does the same, but never get called when Participant is Null as well
I've been looking also for some events when the Label get binded but didn't found any.
What should I do ?
Many thanks !
System.MissingMethodException: Method 'Android.Support.CustomTabs.CustomTabsIntent.LaunchUrl' not fo
Hi Xamarin Lovers,
working smoothly in iOS but in android i will get this error.
System.MissingMethodException: Method 'Android.Support.CustomTabs.CustomTabsIntent.LaunchUrl' not found.
Please save my time ad help to me. working on this issue from past 1 week.
Note: Azure MSAL Sample working fine both(iOS&Android)
Component template
HI guys,
is there a template for creating components for Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac?
Long-Press gesture in WebView
I want to try and add a long-press gesture recognizer to my Forms WebView, in order to retreive the source's link and open a context menu.
Since WebView doesn't support the built-in Forms gesture recognizers, I've been stuck with this problem in my project for quite a while.
Does anyone have any valid solution for me? Or is it completely impossible to do in Forms?
Thank you!
Listview Item Click inside RelativeLayout not working
Hi All,
I have a RelativeLayout with Height 30 and Listview inside it that goes outside the bounds. Everything works as expected expect for the ListView Item Click.
Please help.
I think the issue is that the ListView is outside the RelativeLayout bounds and the click events are not being handled properly.