Hi all
I am an absolute newbie to Xamarin.Forms and need some help.
I have created an app, that queries our web-service and shows the result in a page with a listview.
My app is based on the template Blank App (Xamarin.Forms Shared).
The result of the query is stored in a List with objects of type “Empfehlung”.
The app is working:
I can show a (one) field (“cPAB_Firma” see code-sniped below) from the result-object as TextCell
I can capture the click-event from the ListView
In the click-Event, I can create an object that contains all (the in object Empfehlung) defined fields and show an alert with some of the fields
// Some code to fill piServerAuswahl, etc. //.. var es = await sv.GetEmpfehlungenAsync(cURL); // Call WebService Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { lStatusAbfrage.Text = es.Count + " Empfehlungen wurden geladen"; // Update label with count of received “Empfehlungen” lvErgebnisAnzeige.ItemsSource = es; // es = List with objects from type „Empfehlung“ (0-n) }); }; lvErgebnisAnzeige = new ListView(); lvErgebnisAnzeige.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(TextCell)); lvErgebnisAnzeige.ItemTemplate.SetBinding(TextCell.TextProperty, "cPAB_Firma"); // lvErgebnisAnzeige.ItemSelected += (sender, e) => { var eq = (Empfehlung)e.SelectedItem; string cAnzeige = "Selektiert: " + eq.cPAB_Firma.Trim() + ", " + eq.cPAB_Strasse.Trim() + ", " + eq.cPAB_PLZ.Trim() + " " + eq.cPAB_Ort.Trim() + " / Key: " + eq.iPFA_Key; DisplayAlert("Empfehlung info", cAnzeige, "OK"); }; Content = new StackLayout { Padding = new Thickness(0, 20, 0, 0), Children = { lStatusAbfrage, bFoto, piServerAuswahl, piUmkreis, btEmpfehlungenLaden, lvErgebnisAnzeige } }; }
Now, I want to change the code to show all the fields from the query
Actual the app shows in the ListView:
cPAB_Firma [0]
---- End Entry 1 ------------
cPAB_Firma [1]
---- End Entry 2 ------------
cPAB_Firma [2]
---- End Entry 3 ------------
cPAB_Firma […]
---- End Entry n ------------
I want to change this to (Example):
cPAB_Firma [0]
cPAB_Strasse [0]
cPAB_PLZ [0] + „ „ + cPAB_Ort [0]
cPAB_...... [0]
---- End Entry 1 ------------
cPAB_Firma [1]
cPAB_Strasse [1]
cPAB_PLZ [1] + „ „ + cPAB_Ort [1]
cPAB_...... [1]
---- End Entry 2 ------------
cPAB_Firma [2]
cPAB_... [2]
---- End Entry 3 ------------
As showed in code, I should also be able to add some of the fields together (cPAB_PLZ [1] + „ „ + cPAB_Ort [1])
Further also some images are included in the query and I should be able to create the content dynamically:
if (cPAB_Firma [1] == “”)
{ // do / show nothing ; }
{// show content }
If an entry is clicked, I then have to query the webservice with the key (which is also defined in the object “Empfehlung” -> field eq.iPFA_Key in the alert) and show the result on a detail-page, that I then also have to create dynamically (only show the fields that contains data), but that’s the next step :-)
I think with ListView I am able to bind only one item?
How to solve this problem make it on another way?
As I am an absolute beginner, I would be very grateful for an example code with some of the fields (e.g. cPAB_Firma, cPAB_Strasse, cPAB_PLZ) so that I can find the entry.
**Any help is highly appreciated
**Thanks a lot