Hello guys,
I am developing a prototype of an app that will have the ability to read barcodes in app.
I have decided to use the ZXing component.
In the PCL I have created an Interface which should handle the scanning operation
public interface IScannerService
ScanResult Scan();
I have then created a page which will delivery access to the scanning capabilities through a ToolbarItem
<ToolbarItem Text="Leggi carta" Activated="Scanner_Activated" Order="Primary" Priority="{StaticResource Priority2}">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="FileImageSource"
WinPhone="Toolkit.Content/ApplicationBar.Scanner.png" />
and created the event handler as in the following example
void Scanner_Activated( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
IScannerService scanner = DependencyService.Get<IScannerService>();
var result = scanner.Scan();
this.DisplayAlert( "Barcode: ", result.Code, "OK" );
Then, to wire up the effective device specific implementation I have created, for example in the Windows Phone project a concrete implementation of the IScannerService
public class WinPhoneScannerService : IScannerService
public async Task<ScanResult> Scan( ) {
var dispatcher = Deployment.Current.Dispatcher;
var scanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner( dispatcher ) {
UseCustomOverlay = false,
BottomText = "Scanning will happen automatically",
TopText = "Hold your camera about \n6 inches away from the barcode",
var result = await scanner.Scan();
return new ScanResult { ScannerCode = result.Text };
I am trying on the device but the code always hangs on the var result = await scanner.Scan();
and does not return. Moreover I di dnot understand if the camera shall be activated by me or it is automatically open when I invoke the Scan() method.
Any help/thought/suggestion on how to solve this problem?