I've been working on two Xamarin forms projects and both require a bottom toolbar across iOS and Android. I've been struggling to put together the bottom toolbar for Android using Xamarin forms. I tried to write a custom TabbedRenderer for Android but can't seem to find the right method to override to push the tabs to the bottom. I also tried to use a StackLayout at the bottom of every page for the tabs but the result doesn't look very good - when switching tab, the tabs flash as they are loaded as part of the page.
Is there any better solution for writing a bottom toolbar with Xamarin forms or is there a "native" bottom toolbar coming with Xamarin forms in the near future as Google is now officially embracing bottom navigation with an update to the Material Design spec.?
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
using Android.App;
using Xamarin.Forms;
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(TabbedPage), typeof(ylbCross.Droid.CustomTabRenderer))]
namespace MyApp.Droid
public class CustomTabRenderer : TabbedRenderer
private Activity _activity;
protected override void OnElementChanged (ElementChangedEventArgs<TabbedPage> e)
base.OnElementChanged (e);
_activity = this.Context as Activity;
public override void OnWindowFocusChanged(bool hasWindowFocus)
ActionBar actionBar = _activity.ActionBar;
if (actionBar.TabCount > 0)
ActionBar.Tab tabOne = actionBar.GetTabAt(0);
tabOne.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.home_Blue48);
tabOne.TabSelected += (sender, e) => {
tabOne.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.home_Blue);
tabOne.TabUnselected += (sender, e) => {
tabOne.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.home_Grey);
ActionBar.Tab tabTwo = actionBar.GetTabAt(1);
tabTwo.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.QA_Grey);
tabTwo.TabSelected += (sender, e) => {
tabTwo.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.QA_Blue);
tabTwo.TabUnselected += (sender, e) => {
tabTwo.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.QA_Grey);
ActionBar.Tab tabThree = actionBar.GetTabAt(2);
tabThree.TabSelected += (sender, e) => {
tabThree.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.consulting_Blue);
tabThree.TabUnselected += (sender, e) => {
tabThree.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.consulting_Grey);
ActionBar.Tab tabFour = actionBar.GetTabAt(3);
tabFour.TabSelected += (sender, e) => {
tabFour.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.aboutMe_Blue);
tabFour.TabUnselected += (sender, e) => {
tabFour.SetIcon (Resource.Drawable.aboutMe_Grey);