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Problem with Listview growth and OnBindingContextChanged

First i love the product and i will continue to develop apps with xamarin professionally and personally. I am trying to bind a list into another list and the new list has to be horizontal. Here is mock...

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CollectionView cell size iOS C#

I have a ViewController with a CollectionView and I am putting cells in it successfully, but the cells are all really small (maybe 40x40) and I want them to be much larger, around 200x400. I've done...

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I m trying to read xml file using xmlreader but it gives FileNotFoundException.

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Can't find methods suddenly?

I have R# installed, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I usually just close the file and reopen it and it'll find the methods. I tried disabling R# and just VS intellisense and it does the same...

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@JamesMontemagno‌ I've installed your plugin And I try to use it into a PCL code, but I'm not able to find "CrossBattery.Current"... If I write "Xam", Intellisense does not give me "xam.plugin....",...

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Right align label with a binding in RelativeLayout

Hi, I'm displaying a label that should be right aligned in my RelativeLayout - but about 10% of the time it seems that the label doesn't align itself properly. Most of the time it works, but...

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PopModalAsync & "The underlying Task is already in one of the three final...

I updated to Xamarin.Forms 1.2.2 Prerelease 2 and now have the following exception when reaching Navigation.PopModalAsync(): System.InvalidOperationException: The underlying Task is already in one of...

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xam forms Converter not working

Hi everybody, i have a converter that isn't working. Here is the code : ` public class ConverterNotBoolean : IValueConverter { public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter,...

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Show User Current Address in Xamarin.Forms.maps

I want to show the current location address of the user device as pin point in my app. I know that we can get the address of any location using geocode api but I am not able to get the latitude &...

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Creating new project in VS after 1.3.0 update

I'm trying to create a new xamarin froms Project (Blanc app, portable) in Visual Studio, after installing the 1.3.0 framework. However, I'm getting this error: Xamarin.Forms.1.0.6186 : Could not...

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Interstitial Ads

Hello I am working on ads in xamarin.forms.May I know the difference between Banner ad and interstitial ad. Thanks in advance.

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Confusing - update XF for 64-Bit (iOS)..?

At 11.12.2014, I have received a mail from Xamarin. January 5th: Unified API will be published on our Stable channel in Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio, and all Xamarin published Components in our...

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Issues with CarouselPage

I am very new to Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms (though I attended Evolve this year and have been pushing my boss to move to Xamarin for a number of years. I started earlier this week creating a project,...

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Network Alerts

Hello can any one help me out in network alerts means when network is off we need to get a pop up. Can anyone please help out in this issue. Thank you.

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Data Binding with SQLite

Hello, I've been for a couple of days trying to solve this issue, I am still new to Xamarin, and would greatly appreciate your help to know what I am doing wrong. I am trying to display all my data...

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Custom ViewCell not appearing on Android

I'm trying to make the following DataTemplate work on Android (WP and iOS work fine). <DataTemplate x:Key="DatumPageEntry"> <ViewCell> <ViewCell.View> <StackLayout...

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Windows Phone Null URI Exception for WebView

The WebView control throws an exception saying "URI is null or empty" on Windows, but it doesn't seem to be a problem for iOS or Android. I want the URL to be empty so that I can load HTML that is...

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Can't install Xamarin Forms in a Xamarin Portable Project

'Xamarin.Forms' already installed. Adding 'Xamarin.Forms' to Astig.Portable. Could not install package 'Xamarin.Forms'. You are trying to install this package into a...

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Windows phone upgrade to 1.3 problem

I just done the upgrade to 1.3(following http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/macios/updating-xamarin-forms-apps/ guide) stable version, Android and IOS are compiling but WP not, it's...

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Working Forms OpenTK example with iOS issue Attached

I was able to get OpenTK working in android in forms fine. I attached an example of the project however I removed the iOS and android folders from the project since they took me over the 50mb max size....

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