Hi all,
It appears as if PopModalAsync is broken in this case
I am using a TabbedPage as my apps first/main page (say PrimaryTabbedPage)
I push and pop a modal Splash Screen here .
Upon some user action I call PushModalAsyc to push another TabbedPage (say SecondaryTabbedPage)
Upon Some user action on SecondaryTabbedPage I call PushModalAsyc to push view some page (say DescriptionPage)
Now when I call PopModalAsyn from DescriptionPage, I land up back in PrimaryTabbedPage ..... which is not expected
What I expect to be is to land in SecondaryTabbedPage
Here is a code snippet to help explain the problem
App Starts ---->
public static Page GetMainPage ()
return new PrimaryTabbedPage ();
Create PrimaryTabbedPage pages ----->
public class PrimaryTabbedPage : TabbedPage
//Push the SplashScreen
Navigation.PushModalAsync (new SplashScreen ());
//Do something
Children.Add (new NavigationPage(new PrimaryTabbedPage1());
Children.Add (new NavigationPage(new PrimaryTabbedPage2());
//Pop the SplashScreen
Navigation.PopModalAsync ();
Some user action in PrimaryTabbedPages --- >
public class PrimaryTabbedPage1 : ContentPage
//On some user action
Navigation.PushModalAsync(new SecondaryTabbedPage());
Create SecondaryTabbedPage pages ---->
public class SecondaryTabbedPage : TabbedPage
Children.Add (new NavigationPage(new SecondaryTabbedPage1());
Children.Add (new NavigationPage(new SecondaryTabbedPage2());
On some user action in SecondaryTabbedPages --->
public class SecondaryTabbedPage1 : ContentPage
Navigation.PushModalAsync(new DescriptionPage());
On some user action on DescriptionPage --->
public class DescriptionPage : ContentPage
I land up in PrimaryTabbedPage ... I expect to be in SecondaryTabbedPage