Hey guys,
I was trying to run my application in VS with Xamarin forms, but can't run it in emulator.
Deployment failed because of an internal error: Installation failed due to container error. This can be caused by lack of available space on the SD card or stale files left behind from previous installations.
More details:
Xamarin.AndroidTools.AndroidDeploymentException: InternalError ---> Mono.AndroidTools.InstallFailedException: Installation failed due to container error. This can be caused by lack of available space on the SD card or stale files left behind from previous installations.
at Mono.AndroidTools.Internal.AdbOutputParsing.CheckInstallSuccess(String output, String packageName)
at Mono.AndroidTools.AndroidDevice.<>c__DisplayClass2c.b__2b(Task
1 t)
at System.Threading.Tasks.ContinuationTaskFromResultTask
1.InnerInvoke()at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Xamarin.AndroidTools.AndroidDeploySession.RunLogged(CancellationToken token)
at Xamarin.AndroidTools.AndroidDeploySession.Start(CancellationToken token)
Emulator, Nexus 6, API22,
Xamarin forms for droid project running,