I know there are a few older topics on this (or maybe newer ones I overlooked?) but curious what opinions are now for a person wanting to jump (back) into multi-platform mobile dev including WP8+. I am a web developer with various IDE (Eclipse, VS, Xcode) and language experience (Obj. C, C#, VB, JAVA, various web languages). Professionally I use VS2012 with C# on the backend, MVC, and MS SQL. Personally I have done iOS app development and had several iOS apps in the app store from 2011 to 2013.
So, what would people suggest? Should I jump into VS2013 Community with Xamarin? Am I better off using XS alone? Just looking for ways to do things efficiently and be able to develop once while pushing to whatever platform (iOS, Android, WP) I want. I know I still need a dev license for them to publish to stores anyway, but am more interesting in what IDE strategies work the best these days. And I also know, may not get the most unbiased response on a Xamarin forum but still, any helpful advice/info is appreciated.