I am now experiencing an issue that I believe started with XF 1.4. It occurs in a custom renderer on Android. My custom ViewCellRenders were working prior to upgrading to 1.4.0. 1.4.1-pre does not fix the issue.
After executing the following code in my Renderer, I get the error with the attached call stack (sorry, couldn't figure out how to copy the call stack, so a screen shot will have to do...).
I have a functionally equivalent Renderer in iOS working fine, so I suspect the issue is not in my common Forms project.
Let me know what else you need from me to diagnose this...
public class xEDRModelCellRenderer : ViewCellRenderer
public xEDRModelCellRenderer( ) { }
protected override Android.Views.View GetCellCore( Cell item, Android.Views.View convertView, ViewGroup parent, Context context )
var x = (xEDRModelCell)item;
return BuildView( convertView,
x.Item as eDRModel.ModelBase );
protected Android.Views.View BuildView( Android.Views.View convertView,
Context context,
eDRModel.ModelBase item )
var view = convertView;
if ( view == null )
view = ( context as Activity ).LayoutInflater.Inflate( Resource.Layout.GenericTextListItemLayout, null );
else { }
var lblName = view.FindViewById( Resource.Id.lblName ) as TextView;
lblName.TextSize = (float)eDR.XF.App.m_ui.DefaultFontSizeL;
if ( item.uiSelected )
view.SetBackgroundColor( App.m_ui.SecondaryBackgroundColor.ToAndroid() );
lblName.SetTextColor( App.m_ui.SecondaryForegroundColor.ToAndroid() );
view.SetBackgroundColor( App.m_ui.PrimaryBackgroundColor.ToAndroid() );
lblName.SetTextColor( App.m_ui.PrimaryForegroundColor.ToAndroid() );
//Assign this item's values to the various subviews
lblName.SetText( item.ToString(), TextView.BufferType.Normal );
return view;