I have a datepicker inside a stacklayout, what i want to do is open the datepicker when the user clicks a button (any button)
DatePicker startDate = new DatePicker
Format = "D",
BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
WidthRequest = width,
MinimumDate = today,
I have achieve this in android with the dependency service and using a "DatePickerDialog dialog"
but in windows phone I can't figure this out, I am currently doing something like this (in the windows phone class):
Microsoft.Phone.Controls.DatePicker test = new Microsoft.Phone.Controls.DatePicker();
Microsoft.Phone.Controls.DatePickerPage testie = new DatePickerPage();
public PickerRenderer()
test.Width = 0;
testie.Width = 0;
test.Height = 0;
testie.Height = 0;
this.Content = testie;
public void buttonClicked(Label aLbl)
I have also tried gaining the focus of the element in Xamarin.forms like this:
if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone)
toolbarItem = new ToolbarItem("Add", "plus.png", () =>
}, 0, 0);
But without any success, also there isn't a datepicker.open() or datepicker.show() function.
Any other ideas?