Im creating an app using XLabs camerafunctionality but I do not understand how I can work with the images that gets saved on the disk of the device.
I use this code to take a photo:
public async Task TakePicture()
Setup ();
ImageSource = null;
return await _Mediapicker.TakePhotoAsync (new CameraMediaStorageOptions {
DefaultCamera = CameraDevice.Front, MaxPixelDimension = 400
}).ContinueWith (t => {
if (t.IsFaulted)
Status = t.Exception.InnerException.ToString();
else if (t.IsCanceled)
Status = "Canceled";
var mediaFile = t.Result;
ImageSource = ImageSource.FromStream(() => mediaFile.Source);
string path = mediaFile.Path; //
//Lets say I save all Paths to a DB for later use
return mediaFile;
return null;
}, _scheduler);
So now I have acess to a list of Paths leading to images on the devices disk. Lets say that I now want to use my list of paths and display the images in a view (using Xaml). Do I have to do something platform-specifik in order to accomplish this? I see that the BitMapImage-class is used a lot but I cannot acess that class within my PCL. What would be the correct DataType to use?
Is there some samples demonstrating how to achieve this maybe?
Thank you!