I've updated to the latest Xamarin.Forms release, and figured I'd try out the new features. I wrote a simple class that inherits from ContentPage, and has a constructor like this, which takes in an object:
var stack = new StackLayout ();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.Append ("PropertyName1:".PadRight(15) + " " + obj.Prop1 + Environment.NewLine);
sb.Append ("PropertyNameN:".PadRight(15) + " " + obj.PropN + Environment.NewLine);
new Label()
Text = sb.ToString (),
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize (NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label)),
FontFamily = Device.OnPlatform (
iOS: "Menlo-Regular",
Android: "Droid Sans Mono",
WinPhone: "Segoe WP"),
LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.WordWrap
stack.Spacing = 2;
stack.Padding = new Thickness (4);
Content = new ScrollView { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Fill, Content = stack };
I've only tested it on Android, and the font never changes to Droid Sans Mono. It's still regular Droid Sans. Even when I change the FontFamily to be just "Droid Sans Mono", and test on Android, I still get regular Droid Sans. I can't seem to get Droid Sans Mono to ever show up, and I really need it for some views. I'm about to just add a custom monospace font and use it across all of my platforms, but it really seems like this should be easier. Can anyone help me resolve this issue?