Anyone know a way to reference the ContentPage in the MasterDetailPage.Master inside OnSizeAllocated on a MasterDetailPage? I need the background image to scale properly and defining it on the ContentPage itself won't work since Xamarin doesn't scale them properly for the iPhone 6 etc.
Here is my code that I use on the other pages:
protected override void OnSizeAllocated (double width, double height)
base.OnSizeAllocated (width, height);
// iPhone 4 320 x 480
// iPhone 5 320 x 568
// iPhone 6 375
// iPhone 6 Plus 414
if (width >= 414)
// iPhone 6 Plus
this.BackgroundImage = "backgrounds/bg_login-736h@3x.png";
else if (width >= 375)
// iPhone 6
this.BackgroundImage = "backgrounds/bg_login-667h@2x.png";
else if (width >= 320 && height >= 568)
// iPhone 5
this.BackgroundImage = "backgrounds/bg_login-568h@2x.png";
else if (width >= 320)
// iPhone 4
this.BackgroundImage = "backgrounds/bg_login@2x.png";
this.BackgroundImage = "backgrounds/bg_login.png";