I have a stacklayout renderer and I am adding views in stacklayout. I want to wrap the stacklayout height as the added view content. Here is my renderer.
` public class ATabViewRenderer : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ViewRenderer<Xamarin.Forms.StackLayout, LinearLayout>
private CustomTabView tabView;
protected override void OnElementChanged (Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.StackLayout> e)
base.OnElementChanged (e);
tabView = e.NewElement as CustomTabView;
if (tabView != null) {
tabView.DataPopulated += HandleDataPopulated;
tabView.VerticalOptions = Xamarin.Forms.LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand; // that doesnt work
// tabView.HeightRequest = 150; this works but the height being static is not solutin for me
void HandleDataPopulated(object sender, PanasonicMobile.Core.Models.Product e)
{ //some code removed for clarity
LinearLayout l = new LinearLayout (this.Context);
l.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
TextView Disclaimer = new TextView (this.Context);
TextView Heading = new TextView (this.Context);
TextView SubHeading = new TextView (this.Context);
l.AddView (Heading);
l.AddView (SubHeading);
l.AddView (Disclaimer);
I tried also changing the height of the linear layout, but nothing helps.
If I set the tabView the heightreqeust ( tabView.HeightRequest = 150; ), it works. But static height is not the way of solution.