I have added 3 items in toolbar with Order=ToolbarItemOrder.Secondary. However I only see 2 of them. I have even tried changing priority on third one but still see only 2 items. Here is my code. Not sure what am I missing-
private void AddToolbarItems(){
var about=new ToolbarItem {
Icon = "ic_action_about.png",
Name = "About",
Priority = 1,
Command=new Command(()=>
MessagingCenter.Send<NavigateToAboutViewMessage>(new NavigateToAboutViewMessage(),"showaboutview");
ToolbarItems.Add (about);
var location=new ToolbarItem {
Icon = "ic_action_place.png",
Name = "Location and Hours",
Priority = 1,
Command=new Command(()=>
MessagingCenter.Send<NavigateToLocationViewMessage>(new NavigateToLocationViewMessage(),"showlocationview");
ToolbarItems.Add (location);
var logout=new ToolbarItem {
Icon = "ic_action_logout.png",
Name = "Logout",
Priority = 0,
Command=new Command(async ()=>
await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
MessagingCenter.Send<NotAuthenticatedMessage>(new NotAuthenticatedMessage(),"notauthenticated");
ToolbarItems.Add (logout);