I'm creating a X.F application. I want to make an async requesting using the httpclient client class. I'm not quite sure where that call should go at. In the examples of X.F that I have seen, all of the setup occurs in the initialization of a class. I am guessing that there is a better place to make the request. In iOS & Android, this is done by marking one of the overridden events with the async keyword. Is there a recommended place to do something similar in X.F?
public class MainScreen : ContentPage
string[] golfers;
public MainScreen ()
var listView = new ListView(){ RowHeight = 40 };
Content = new StackLayout(){
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
Children = { listView },
listView.ItemTapped += HandleItemTapped;
golfers = await class.MethodAsync(SomeUserIdValue); <-- Where does this method need to go. The initializer is not a good place in my mind
listView.ItemsSource = golfers;