Hi, I have a perpetual Xamarin license for Xamarin.Android which expired (no updates - boo!) August 2014. We've not done a huge amount with Xamarin and I'm trying to get the business to renew but for now I must make do with the version we have.
I've been using Xamarin.VisualStudio (3.9) on a trial basis for the past week (built an app for Droid and Windows Phone and have made good progress but I need to show the business (but without the "Trial" information) so I'm trying to use our licensed version (on Visual Studio 2013)
I've uninstalled Xamarin and installed our licensed version (mono-android-4.12.03003_signed.msi). I load my solution (removing the iOS project) and the Windows Phone app works fine but the droid app gives an error "obj\Debug\android\src\mono\TrialSplashScreen.java(15,8): error : duplicate class: com.masternaut.connect.TrialSplashScreen [C:\Users\paul.stables\Dev\Xamarin\ConnectMobile\MyFormsApp\MyFormsApp.Droid\ConnectMobile.Droid.csproj]"
Also it looks like I can't create a new Xamarin.Forms app as there's no Mobile App section under c# any more.