After upgrading the packages to my Xamarin.Forms app is broken. I get two errors.
1- The first error is
VoltPmsiOS(5446,0x7a1c1a8) malloc: *** error for object 0x803ab444: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
This error does not terminate the app and as far as I understand is caused by HttpClient.SendAsync calls. But only some calls are failing and the UI is blocked
2- This is the second error and occurs if i do not get the first error (and my app is not blocked by the first error)
MonoTouch.Foundation.MonoTouchException: Objective-C exception thrown. Name: NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: Invalid update: invalid number of rows in section 0. The number of rows contained in an existing section after the update (1) must be equal to the number of rows contained in that section before the update (8), plus or minus the number of rows inserted or deleted from that section (1 inserted, 0 deleted) and plus or minus the number of rows moved into or out of that section (0 moved in, 0 moved out).
at at (wrapper managed-to-native) MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Messaging:void_objc_msgSend (intptr,intptr)
at MonoTouch.UIKit.UITableView.EndUpdates () [0x00010] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/monotouch/src/build/compat/UIKit/UITableView.g.cs:437
at Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.ListViewRenderer.UpdateItems (System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e, Int32 section, Boolean resetWhenGrouped) [0x00000] in :0
at Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.ListViewRenderer+<>c__DisplayClass5.b__4 () [0x00000] in :0
at MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAsyncActionDispatcher.Apply () [0x00000] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/maccore/src/Foundation/NSAction.cs:164
at at (wrapper managed-to-native) MonoTouch.UIKit.UIApplication:UIApplicationMain (int,string[],intptr,intptr)
at MonoTouch.UIKit.UIApplication.Main (System.String[] args, IntPtr principal, IntPtr delegate) [0x00005] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/monotouch/src/UIKit/UIApplication.cs:62
at MonoTouch.UIKit.UIApplication.Main (System.String[] args, System.String principalClassName, System.String delegateClassName) [0x00038] in /Developer/MonoTouch/Source/monotouch/src/UIKit/UIApplication.cs:46
at VoltPms.iOS.Application.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00008] in /Users/aliozgur/Projects/VoltPms/iOS/Main.cs:17
I'm trying to reproduce the problem with a vanilla project but no success so far.