I installed the new pre4 version and compiled my app. Now I have a strange behavior with popping a page (was although in pre3).
Normally I save the pushed page always in a global variable, when pushing the page, because I want to track the current page on the screen. I do this in a BasePage class, from which all other pages derive. This takes place in the OnAppearing event of the BasePage class. This works normally perfect. But now I have a situation, when I pop the active page (page2), the OnAppearing of the underlying page (page1) isn't called. Page1 is displayed on the screen, but bindings are to page2 (Title comes via binding from page2). I pop page2 by await CurrentPage.Navigation.PopAsync()
. If I debug this, than the PopAsync is called but the function call don't return, page1 is displayed. Later, when I remove the whole NavigationPage, which although contains page1 and page2, it suprisingly jumps to the line after the PopAsync.
It seems for me, that the PopAsync goes to the middle of its work (show controls on the screen) and than stops to do anything (don't call OnAppearing event) and at the end before destroying it, it jumps back to end of PopAsync function and tries to do the rest.
Any suggestion, what to do?