I have the code below. When I run this code on iOS with XS on Mac, everything is fine. The map displays a satelite view. Everything is fine. When I run this code on an Android emulator (Genymotion 4.3) with XS on Mac, I get a street view in the emulator. Does anyone else see this? Should this be filed as a bug?
public class App
public static Page GetMainPage ()
return new MapPage();
public class MapPage : ContentPage {
public MapPage() {
var map = new Map(
new Position(37,-122), Distance.FromMiles(0.3))) {
IsShowingUser = true,
HeightRequest = 100,
WidthRequest = 960,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
map.MapType = MapType.Satellite;
var stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 };
Content = stack;