Can I register multiple handlers to a single type, via HandlerAttribute, and loop through the registered types?
Can I use a string to register / retrieve a DependencyService, instead of a type?
In my case I have an object (that is always the same type), but I want to have multiple classes that can handle this object, and I want to select the correct handler based on a string contained in the original object to be handled.
Do I need to scan the CurrentDomain assemblies myself?
To be more specific, I want to register an ImageSourceHandler, that can handle UriImageSource objects, when the Uri Scheme is "content",
allowing more uri schemes to be registered.
Something like:
[assembly: ExportUriImageSourceProvider(
scheme: "content",
[assembly: ExportImageSourceHandler(
namespace Sample
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Forms;
public sealed class ContentImageSource : ImageSource
public readonly string Asset;
public ContentImageSource(string asset)
Asset = asset;
public sealed class ContentImageSourceProvider : IImageSourceProvider, IRegisterable
public ImageSource ConvertToImageSource(string imageSource)
return new ContentImageSource(imageSource);
public sealed class ContentImageSourceHandler : IImageSourceHandler, IRegisterable
public Task LoadImageAsync(ImageSource imageSource, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate
var fileSource = (ContentImageSource)imageSource;
return Forms.Game.Content.Load(fileSource.Asset);
(I think this could also be used in the string to ImageSource implicit conversion)