Hi guys,
Just started using Xamarin and I'm having some pretty basic problems at the moment. I wanted to do a quick prototype of an app but its being help up with the following issue.
I have a table view with a few different cells using the following code.
` Content = new TableView
Intent = TableIntent.Form,
Root = new TableRoot("Table Root")
new TableSection("Table Section``")
new EntryCell {Text = "Entrycell"},
new TextCell {Text = "TextCell"},
new ImageCell
Text = "ImageCell Text",
Detail = "ImageCell Detail",
ImageSource = "http://xamarin.com/images/index/ide-xamarin-studio.png"
The following is how it looks on a ipod on ios 6.
When I use the simulator on ios 6, I get the same thing. But when I switch and use an ios 7 simulator, everything looks fine. Is there a property I need to use when targeting ios 6?
Sorry if this has been posted somewhere else but I couldn't anything related to this issue.